This fall we’ll be announcing a brand new Digital File Manager (Net.DFM). We’ll be highlighting some of the upcoming changes in the next few newsletters.

Latest Technology from Google
This new Digital File Manager will be a Single Page Application (SPA) written in Angular, a Google technology. In a worldwide survey of developers, with over 100,000 respondents, almost 40% are using Angular. This technology change will allow us to add more functionality and features in a shorter timeframe. According to Ray Hrdy, Enlighten.Net’s head of development, “It’s a technology that will more easily provide us with opportunities and experiences for our users.”
One big feature of the technology will speed up the software when you do a search. Currently, when you search or update any fields, the software must send all the information back to the server, wait for a response, then recreate the page with all the new data. With the new technology, that refresh or redisplay will be eliminated due to the dynamic transfer of information – only the parts of the screen that are effected will be redrawn. It’s a major time reduction and a building block for future development.
Ease of Use Critical Component of Upgrade
Part of what has made the Digital File Manager so successful is the ease-of-use. For a typical user, the training is minimal because almost everyone uses search now. With the upcoming upgrade, making the user experience even better is our top goal.
Personalization and Job Function
There will be a “standard” view, but now you will have the option to create different views based by user or job function. For example, an accounts payable user may want their screen to display specific user defined fields in a particular order. While a customer service rep or inside sales rep may use a different view to more quickly answer customers’ questions about quotes, orders, shipments, invoices, etc.

Card View display
A new option for all users, and one we think will be widely adopted, will be to show your search results in a “Card View”. Information that used to be available in multiple screens will now be available in one screen. This new view will display the thumbnail, comments, and all properties in a “card”. You’ll even be able to resize the cards to fit as many or as few as you want at one time. What typically could be seen in a few screens in the current system will now be on the original search results page, resulting in reduced key strokes and much quicker editing functionality.
We’re Listening!
If there is a specific feature or capability you wish the system had? Tell us! There’s a chance we might be able to put it in this upgrade. If not, we have plenty of opportunities going forward. All suggestions are logged. When a programmer is working in a particular section of the system we try to fit in as many requests as possible. It’s your suggestions that make the system so great. Send in your ideas to
About Enlighten.Net, Inc.
Inc. is a leading provider of Document Management software for small to
medium sized organizations throughout North America. Our robust
solutions manage tens of millions of corporate documents saving time and